Family Day 2025

Happy Family Day!

From our family to yours

Family wedding photo

Happy Family Day! Alex here again with another story to share. First, though I hope you are enjoying a day full of fun and relaxation with your family members.

In honour of Family Day (and Valentine’s Day last Friday!), we wanted to share the special origin story of one of our favourite preserves: Strawberry BBQ Sauce. We’ve shared this story before, but wanted to fill in a few details and even share some photos! What can I say, I’m feeling the love.

Wedding head table with flower backdrop

On June 14, 2015 we hosted one of my favourite parties ever — our wedding! Fun fact, our wedding day was a Sunday, as Saturdays have always been for farmers’ markets.

It’s hard to believe, but this coming June 2025 will mark 10 years since then. You’ll notice a few themes throughout the below photos, and it’s moving to see how the parts of the farm we loved most back then have grown into foundations of our work today.

The day started off a bit rocky, due to a rainy forecast! Like any respectable farming family, we were keeping a close eye on the radar, and we’re no strangers to working with what Mother Nature has to offer. So, we popped up the umbrellas for photos, and, although our plans for an outdoor ceremony were dashed, the rain cleared up just in time for the reception and we were able to celebrate without any concern.

In retrospect, I often wonder what we were thinking hosting a wedding in June. Nowadays we barely get a chance to celebrate. It’s prime strawberry season, after all! We weren’t living and working on the farm full time yet though, and Rob *did* always say that June was the prettiest month of the year — still lush and green from spring rain, before things dried out and turned brown later in the summer.

Plus, strawberries played a very important role in our wedding day! They were served as part of our cocktail hour, included in one of our signature drinks (a Strawberry Gin Smash), and were a key part of dessert. I’m not a fan of wedding cake, but I DO love pie. So we did things our way! I baked and froze pies leading up to the wedding day, along my grandmas and Uncle Randy (the other pie bakers in the family). Today we churn out thousands of fruit pies a season, and I even have a pie tattoo!

Alex's Pie Tattoo!

Our wedding favours were tiny jars of our Melon Blossom Honey. Very fitting, given that Nathan now oversees all of our beekeeping operations!

Our beekeeper Nathan holding a frame from a hive, covered in bees!

Finally, back to the berries. Like I mentioned earlier, strawberries were a key part of our wedding day. And the last way we incorporated them was through our first-ever batch of our Strawberry BBQ sauce. Sadly we don’t have a photo of that, but it will live on forever on our shelves and farmers’ market tables. We love cooking with it at home, and we now serve it alongside our burgers and fries at our Farm Food Truck.

Strawberry Preserve: Strawberry Rhubarb Jam, Strawberry BBQ Sauce, and Strawberry Jam
A decorative banner reading "Eat Drink and Be Married"

10 years later, and we continue to Eat, Drink, and Be Married

Now, for today’s pitch! If you’re curious about our trying our Strawberry BBQ Sauce, or any of our other preserves, we’re delighted to be introducing our Preserve Subscription.

2025 Preserve Subscription: 1 Weekly Farm Fresh Preserve Delivered to Your Door from May - November

Preserve Subscription Details

Each week from May - November (7 months/28 weeks in total) one unique farm preserve will be delivered to you or the lucky recipient you are purchasing for. Preserves include a mix of jams, jellies, pickles, sauces, and spreads that are all made fresh from produce grown on our farm:

  • Blueberry Jam

  • Raspberry Jam

  • Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

  • Strawberry Jam

  • Champagne Mustard

  • Horseradish Mustard

  • Hot Mustard

  • Strawberry BBQ Sauce

  • Salsa

  • Hot Sauce

  • Onion Scape Jelly

  • Red Pepper Jelly

  • Candied Jalapeno Syrup

  • Corn Relish

  • Candied Jalapenos

  • Pickled Asparagus

  • Spicy Pickled Scapes

  • Sweet & Savoury Pickled Scapes

  • Dill Pickled Beans

  • Spicy Pickled Beans

  • Pasta Sauce

  • Dill Pickles

  • Melon Blossom Honey

  • Honeycomb

  • Creamed Honey

  • Caramelized Honey

  • Maple Syrup

  • Surprise Addition

This would make a perfect gift for Mothers’ or Fathers’ Day, or for someone who loves to cook and try new flavours.

Please note these are listed in no particular order, and don’t necessarily reflect which week you will receive which item!

Valued at nearly $300, available for $260 until the end of March